What To Do If You Want To Be Dominated

What To Do If You Want To Be Dominated

Did you know that domination makes sex quite exciting in most partners? Indeed, it’s quite great when you go down and explore some side of your partner or even yourself and to do that, sex is where it all starts. It could also help if you knew that there is a reason why domination is referred to as power play since it involves a lot of fun since power is exerted while allowing your partner to do whatever they want. In this piece, four steps have been discussed on how you can convince your sweet partner to dominate you.

Always use safe words even if you are cautious

Before you dig into role playing, always ensure that you reach an agreement about your safe word more so in situations that demand power play. Make sure that you never say a safe word during sex. Assuming that the safe word is not out during sex, it means STOP. RIGHT NOW. Be aware not to use words like “stop” or “no” as your safe words since it is quite easy using them in role play.

Make Sure Pressure is Conceded

Assuming that your partner is timid, start driving off their fears by whispering to make them confident. You could say something like, “I know it’s the first time you doing this, but I wanna do this with you.” Ensure that you have nothing held back and speak it all out with your partner.

Ensure That Boredom Is Not Involved

Here, the most common fear involves whether approaching your partner with the fantasy could mean you are not deep into them. Your partner might worry whether the domination will arouse you more than them. Assuming that you have a naturally sensitive partner, you can drive off their worries by making them understand that the fantasy boosts your libido and no one can make that happen except them.

Do that on repeat

After you know what you need, make sure you always bring it up often. You should not wait for your partner to bring it in. it is your fantasy and you should get the ball rolling. Ensure that you are casual and make all your intentions clear. You could start with something like, “hello darling, remember that domination fantasy I said earlier? I really think we should give it a trial.” You should also not be afraid to mention the specifics since your partner might have forgotten the details thus the reason why they have not followed through your hints. Also, feel free to select a time like, “How about e try it on our next date or tonight?”.


The ultimate goal above all is to have fun. Keep in mind that this is your fantasy. Always ensure that you make it clear to your partner about what you anticipate from them. And always remember that being involved before the real action makes the whole experience very safe and sexy for both of you. Real talk, when your spouse feels safe, they will always try hard for you.

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