
Sensual Touch Massage Tantric Teacher, Sessions By Appointment

  The Borough     Incall & Outcall

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Agnes Tantric Teacher Details

Name: Agnes Tantric Teacher

Location: The Borough, London

Service: Female Adult Massage

Age: 25-30

Ethnicity Mixed

Body Size: Slim / Slender

Gender: Female

Languages: English


Sensual Massage

Indulge in the tender touch of a Sensual Massage that weaves profound relaxation and gentle arousal together. It’s a dance of sensation; I am highly trained. I use a variety of light, teasing strokes and soft pressures to awaken your senses. This service celebrates sensuality and is designed to soothe your mind while invigorating the senses, leading to a serene state of consciousness.
*Tantric ritual mutual touch
* Lingham massage
* Tantric breath

The benefits of Tantric Massage are

Stress Relief and Relaxation
Mind and body connection

Vitality and Clarity
Unblock and balance your energy pathways with Tantric massage. Rejuvenate your mental, physical, and emotional energy flows for increased vitality and emotional equilibrium.

Intimacy and Sensuality
Discover a greater sense of intimacy and your sensual self by embracing the present moment and releasing emotional barriers that may inhibit connection.

Enhanced Circulation and Healing
Activate your body’s natural healing processes as tantric massage stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage. By improving circulation, your body can more efficiently deliver nutrients and oxygen to tissues, aiding in the recovery and maintenance of the body’s systems, leading to a more vibrant and healthier you.

Related Tags
massage therapist London tantric healing sensual touch healing touch Libido Tantric massage London

Additional Services

Erotic Massage Tantric Massage Body To Body Massage Tie Tease Relaxing Massage Lingerie Massage Sensual Massage
Nearby locations

London, Westminster, Stratford, Kidbrooke, Snaresbrook, Wimbledon, Goodmayes, Richmond, East Barnet, Buckhurst Hill, Kingston upon Thames, Farnborough, Ewell, Coulsdon, Wilmington, Harrow Weald, Hatch End, Goffs Oak, Aveley, Claygate, Upminster, Esher, Stonewood, Sunbury, West Thurrock, Walton upon Thames, South Ockendon, Watford, Colney Heath, Leatherhead, Grays, London Colney, Great Warley Street, Cobham, Hartley, Brentwood, Rickmansworth, Shenfield, Orsett, Gravesend, Hertford, Saint Albans, Harlow, Sandridge, Ware, Welwyn Garden City, Kings Langley, Slough, Stanford le Hope, Windsor,

Pricing Starts from

Incall Outcall
30 mins - -
1 hour £350 -
90 mins £450 £450
2 hours £500 £550



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